Why Mil0?

"Minum Milo Anda Jadi Sihat dan Kuat!" Translation: Drink Milo and you’ll grow up healthy and strong! When I was a kid (a lifetime ago!), I grew up on Milo. For the uninitiated, Milo is a sweet, chocolate-y drink produced by Nestle – it’s marketed as a healthy energy drink and like a lot of similar … Continue reading Why Mil0?

2009: The Year I Stopped Resolving to be Better

The month of January in my 20s meant that I would fervently whip out my little note pad and make a long checklist of “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts”. I list down every imaginable flaw I thought I had, with an “action plan” on how to address them. I proudly proceed to pin that list on my … Continue reading 2009: The Year I Stopped Resolving to be Better